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#programming #lang #life #short #blog #summary #quote #snippet #uni #peace #truth #trans #success #noise #theory #LGBTQA++ #Allah #konkur #dev #mindset #aoc
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Title Tags Date Score
why is BQN syntax not limiting #lang en #programming BQN 1740416157 -
Oh I feel so much better! #life #Allah #peace #noise 1726688262 -
Trans People, Sorry you've been tricked...🏳️‍🌈 #life #truth #trans #LGBTQA++ 1726564893 -
Summary of You Only Have to Succeed Once 📰 #life #summary #short #success #mindset #lang en 1725856385 -
State Bars; a productivity app to manage your life better #life #dev #blog #programming 1724905694 -
BQN Learning Resources #programming BQN #short 1724904336 -
Summary of "The J Programming Language" by Tracy Harms (2013) 🎥 #programming #lang en #summary #short 1724738171 -
An idiot admires complexity #quote #short #programming #lang en 1724657683 -
Overlap of 2 Ranges #programming #snippet #aoc 2022 4 1724647305 -
Life is like a game #life #short #quote 1724595598 -
Summary of Functional vs Array Languages 🎥 #summary #programming #theory #lang en 1724590195 -
8 زبان برنامه نویسی در 4 سال #blog #programming #uni #lang fa 1724472042 -
کنکور عادلانه نیست، مثل زندگی #konkur #life #lang fa #blog 1723917538 -
Notes from Uiua programming language ↯◰⍥ #programming uiua #lang en #blog 1723859251 -
why do I prefer HTML over markdown? #programming #lang en #blog 1723731826 -
Life is the most difficult exam #short #life #lang en 1723667039 -