Trans People, Sorry you've been tricked...🏳️🌈
I know, I know, it both touchy and controversal to talk about "Trans people" people who have changed their sexuality but I think it's a lot better to punch in the face by truth, rather than having sweet dreams(which is lie).
Before the trans agenda began, a dream of a kid, a teenager or any young person was to be someone important, someone who had dreams; I mean real dreams like becoming a pilot, an engineer, someone who changes the world for good.
But guess what? Nowadays their dreams have become to be another gender seriously?? Is that your DREAM??? , and the rest of his/her/them? life fight for his/her/them?? rights, while dealing with issues of transitioning. for example the drugs, medications, political rights, ...
Honestly, what's wrong with your gender? I know being man or being woman has trade-offs, but you have to accept something in your life. Accept and grow. Deal with your own problems and come up with solutions.
It seems funny that a lot of people who wanna be another gender want to be in peace with themselves. Why not accept who you are and be in peace with your self? It's a lot cheaper!
You know, the Evil wants you to not look further what a human would look like? to not grow your inner peace. How can you become aware of the world and what politicians do, when you are busy with yourself?
Hey! I've been lied to you too! You may have seen lots of people that are not Trans but are not in peace with their selves either. You know why?
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